Reviews Software

Infusionsoft (Keap) Review 2023: Is the Best Marketing Automation Software?

Today we’re going to discuss what Infusionsoft is. Infusionsoft by Keap is explicitly designed to help small businesses succeed in their sales, marketing, and customer journey automation. So there’s quite a lot just in one system. But that’s not the thing that I like the most about Infusionsoft.

In this blog, We are reviewing Infusionsoft aka Keap Marketing Automation Software.

One of the most inspiring things about Infusionsoft is the infusion nights. So the people who work for Infusionsoft feel the highest, specifically for a specific skill set, and that’s entrepreneurial spirit. So yes, a lot of other stuff goes into it. But the infusion nights and the people who work at Infusionsoft most commonly have small businesses.

Infusionsoft (Keap) Review

So when I say that it’s designed specifically for small businesses, I mean that because most of the people at Infusionsoft have either owned their own small business in the past or are currently running one alongside their day job. They know precisely the pains and frustrations that small businesses go through. So it is a system designed specifically to help you iron out those kinks aside from all the weird stuff.

How Infusionsoft Helps Small Business?

Infusionsoft is made of several different parts, and you can have some of those parts. You can have packages of different levels. But at its primary, there is a CRM section and a campaign automation section, so that’s all the marketing automation under one roof. And then, an add-on section is the e-commerce module. And, So you may not need that but also need to sell products, and that stuff and that’s the e-commerce section.

Infusionsoft Keap DashboardImage Reference: Infusionsoft Keap Dashboard

Then there is, of course, a bunch of reporting and loads of APIs and integrations. So we’re looking forward to those four sections: CRM, Marketing, Automation, e-commerce, and price and integrations.

1. CRM Section

In the CRM section, you’ve got quite a few little things, but the most important thing is its segmentation. Keep a bill.

a. Segmentation Capability

Infusionsoft contact records are stored centrally. So, they’re stored together into lists like you would have in things like MailChimp and Aweber stored all in one part. This is important because segmentation is not done via the different lists. You don’t get duplication of contact records; instead, the way that it’s done is by a tagging system, and the tags can be applied manually and behaviorally.

The tags can fall under specific categories because you can apply tags manually. So this is my new list of prospects, and I throw that into the system. But you can also have it applied behaviorally, so you can apply things based on when people are clicking on stuff, purchasing products, and submitting forms, and all that stuff you can do behaviorally.

That allows massive functionality within the system, and the segmentation is a huge part of what makes Infusionsoft much more awesome.

Following on from the segmentation capabilities, you have the contact records themselves. The infusion of contact records is data-rich. They’re full of information, and it’s organized into two sections.

In the first section, you have all of the data you’re collecting, stuff people’s names, email addresses, anything you might put in some custom fields, or any custom information you’re storing. The second section of the content record is where all their behavioral stuff is. So, it doesn’t just track on the contact record who they are? and what they’re up to.

It tracks behaviorally all the things they’re doing within your system, which is pretty awesome. Because of the segmentation capability and the way that contact records have so much information on them.

Infusionsoft Keap CRM DashboardImage Reference: Infusionsoft Keap CRM Dashboard

b. Lead Scoring Capability

One of the significant essential parts of the CRM section is the lead-scoring capability. So, you can score contacts based on their behavior. That means you don’t just have demographic scoring, which standard marketing automation software should have. But you also have things like total behavioral and psychographic scoring that you can create as well. And that’s created on an algorithm and a points-based system that your device.

So it could be more straightforward. But it’s different from you. Who would say somebody has so many points? Because they’ve done such and such a thing and you would assign different points based on different behaviors. The more positive behaviors they have, the more the points add up and how much better of a lead they are, and the more harmful behaviors they show you can- points off that. So, you’re always got an endless list of your hottest and most engaged leads relevant to your business and unique to the criteria you set.

c. Landing pages and lead capture

Now these are part of the campaign builder. There is a complete learning page capability. You can design stunning, mobile responsive landing pages inside the system. There’s no need for an additional system.

If you don’t want to have one, you can keep your system because Infusionsoft integrates with so much. But you can have fun on Landing pages, and you can also create your own little lead capture forms, and you can pop the code onto your site, or you can use the Infusionsoft WordPress plugin to put that on your site if you’re using WordPress.

More Readings: Best CRM Software’s for Start-ups

2. Marketing Automation Section

This is where the most exciting part of Infusionsoft is kept: the campaign builder.

Infusionsoft Keap Marketing Automation DashboardImage Reference: Infusionsoft Keap Marketing Automation Dashboard

a. Campaign builder

Now this is something that when came out six or seven years ago. Now totally blew my mind and continues to blow it with its capability.

The campaign builder is where you map out your customer journeys and workflows. It’s got a drag-and-drop builder, and so you drag out all the goals and the things you’re trying to achieve and all the steps you want to take up to that point, and you can build your entire customer journey or specific sales campaigns and sales automation.

All that kind of stuff is built within the campaign builder. The thing that’s powerful about the campaign builder is its if this, then that functionality. It allows you to say if somebody does this, for instance, if someone clicks on the link I want to send them—this series of emails and because you build it out visually.

It’s easy to see where you’re going wrong or where you may have created a bit of a hole in your funnel for yourself. So the campaign builder allows you to do things like automate your marketing, automate your customer journey, automate your sales pipeline, and your sales management.

But it also allows you to put all of your automate your marketing automation together in terms of your email automation. You can build out entire sequences for selling products. You can build out seek, since fulfilling products. You can build out sequences designed to help you engage your customers and build things based on whether someone is a new customer.

They’re an older customer, and their elapsed customer the only limit here is your imagination. So, add to that the layer of if this, then that functionality and the behavioral triggers by being able to start and stop campaigns based on user behavior and automate.

All of that makes a potent system. The entire campaign builder section is why we choose to work with Infusionsoft with our angle on behavioral automation and what we call epic marketing.

The campaign builder is currently the only software that allows us to build the customer journeys we designed.

3. E-Commerce

The third component of all of this is, of course, e-commerce. Now the CRM and campaign building section in terms of marketing automation or a less standard in all packages. But e-commerce is for packages for people who only need the sales functionality in terms of being able to sell products.

So e-commerce allows you to create products, create order forms and invoices, and do quotes. All of that good stuff is within the system.

The e-commerce capability within the system allows you to do some pretty rad stuff like post-purchase automation. So that’s everything from sending fulfillment lists out straight away, telling your team what to do, and notifying different people outside your organization through the fulfillment process—but also automating things for your customers straight after they’ve purchased something. It’s an excellent function that allows you to do things like upsells, cross sales down, sales, you name it, because you can build it out within the campaign builder.

Referrals and Affiliates

There is a referral partner and affiliate management section, where you can manage your referral partners and track the Commission based on levels you set up and decide.

More Readings: Best Ecommerce Platforms

4. Infusionsoft API and integration functionality

Infusionsoft has an incredibly well-documented API. There are loads of people who are constantly building pretty awesome integrations for Infusionsoft.

Now you may wonder why an all-in-one sales and marketing system needs integrations. So every business is currently so complex, bespoke, and unique because of how technology empowers us. One system couldn’t possibly do everything. So the integrations allow you to add different plugins and different cool things to enhance the capability of Infusionsoft.

You don’t need to use integrations with Infusionsoft. It’s not a required thing. Integrations can enhance what you’re doing, for instance. Some integrations allow you to merge things with your inbox. So if you’ve got emails from Gmail or Outlook, you can see all that information.

Infusionsoft or have a sidebar in your Gmail or Outlook that allows you to start or stop campaigns trigger specific actions, and monitor the activity. You don’t even have to have Infusionsoft open. You can see it in your Gmail, and you can see it in your Outlook.

Final Thoughts

Infusionsoft is a platform for digital experience design. That’s what you’re doing. You’re crafting your relationship, and you’re crafting an experience. So, Infusionsoft is there to take your customers from lead to customer to loyal advocates.

It’s there to create the entire customer journey and automate four parts. That is an overview at a very high level of what Infusionsoft is.

Alby Abraham is an technology enthusiast, published blogger, and a content marketer who spends his time on building a career in the digital marketing industry. He also writes a blog on The Last Words for tech lovers.

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