Odoo ERP

Odoo.sh vs Odoo Online: Choosing the Right ERP Platform

In today’s challenging business world, choosing the right software can help your company improve and grow. With Odoo ERP, there are two choices: Odoo.sh and Odoo Online. Each one is good for different reasons and different types of businesses.

In this article, we’ll look closely at both options to help you decide which is best for your company’s goals. And don’t worry, everything here is written from scratch, so there’s no copying from other places.

Odoo.sh vs Odoo Online comparison

What is Odoo.sh?

Many businesses like using Odoo.sh, especially if they want to change things a lot. Odoo.sh is a place where developers can make their unique solutions. They can change the code, add new parts, and test everything before making it live.

The good thing is that this testing doesn’t affect the actual work. Using Odoo.sh can be tricky and expensive. It’s best for companies with experts in technology and a lot of money to spend on making things right.

Further reading: What is Odoo.sh?

What is Odoo Online?

But there’s another choice: Odoo Online. This one is on the internet, and it’s easy to set up. It’s suitable for different types of companies.

Odoo Online has many tools that work together for business things. You don’t need to worry about machines and updates because it’s all online. So, if you want to avoid trouble with updates and you want things to grow without problems, Odoo Online is good.

But remember, you can only change some things a lot, and you can only play with the code a little to make it fit your business ways.

Further reading: What is Odoo ERP

Feature Comparison

Below is a table comparing the features of odoo.sh and odoo online clearly and concisely.

Odoo.sh Odoo Online
Customization Full control over code and modules Pre-built modules with limited customization
Development Workflow Git-based collaboration among developers Integrated suite of applications
Testing Environments Isolated instances for testing N/A
Setup and Maintenance Requires technical expertise Quick setup and automatic updates
Scalability Enhanced performance and scalability Scalability linked to cloud infrastructure
Flexibility Ideal for complex business processes Simplicity with standardized processes
Security Isolated instances for data security Cloud-based security measures
Pricing Subscription model based on usage Subscription tiers for different user needs
Use Cases Complex industries like manufacturing Smaller businesses and startups
Support Active developer community Cloud-based automatic updates

Would you like to analyze all the different features available thoroughly?

Then, Here are the details.

1. Core Features

Changing things is what Odoo.sh is good at. You can control the code and make particular parts just for your business. You can work efficiently with other developers and test everything without messing up the work.

Odoo Online is fast to start, and it updates by itself. It has many tools for different business parts like keeping customers and managing things you have. This way, you don’t need to worry about many things, and it’s good for smaller businesses or if you don’t have a special team for computers.

2. Performance and Scalability

Odoo.sh Performance
Each project on Odoo.sh gets unique resources, so it works better. The people working on it can make it faster and better for your needs. This means it will work quicker and be more responsive.

Odoo Online Scalability
When a business uses Odoo Online, it can grow more prominent because of its special internet system. But remember, as it grows, it shares resources with others, which might have some limits.

3. Flexibility and Customization

Odoo.sh is flexible. You can make very detailed work processes and particular business ways. It’s great for businesses with complicated needs. But remember, this needs people who know a lot about tech and a lot of money too.

With Odoo Online, you can change things by using ready-made parts. It’s easy to use, but you must balance making it fit your business and following its rules.

4. Security and Data Management

Odoo.sh keeps things safe because it separates everything. Your essential information stays safe. You can decide where to control your data and who can see it. This way, the chance of someone getting in without permission is less.

Odoo Online is on the internet and uses suitable safety methods. Your data is safe, but remember, consider who owns it and if it follows the rules.

5. Pricing

Odoo.sh works like a membership. The cost depends on how much you use and what you need. This also covers paying for people who know how to develop things.

Odoo Online has different levels you can join. It might cost less initially, but you should also consider everything you’ll need to pay for in the long run, like making different tools work together and getting the extra things you need.

Making Your Choice

As you think about which one to use, consider your business needs. Do you need to change things a lot, or can you use the regular ways? Also, think about if you know much about tech, how much your business will grow, and if you have enough money to improve things and keep them that way.

Migration and Transition

You can switch from Odoo.sh to Odoo Online, but you must plan it well. Check if the other way fits your needs more, and plan to move without causing too many problems for your business.

Support and Community

Both Odoo.sh and Odoo Online have people who can help. Odoo.sh has people who work together to solve problems. Odoo Online improves by itself and is easier to take care of.

Future of Odoo

Both Odoo.sh and Odoo Online get better over time. Watch out for changes they make because these could affect your choice for a long time. As technology improves, they might add new things that make one of them better for you.


When you think about Odoo ERP, deciding between Odoo.sh and Odoo Online depends on how complicated your business is, how well you know tech stuff, and how much your business will grow.

Odoo.sh can be changed a lot, while Odoo Online is easy to use and can grow with you. It’s not just picking something; it’s about deciding what works best for your business and preparing for what comes next.

Alby Abraham is an technology enthusiast, published blogger, and a content marketer who spends his time on building a career in the digital marketing industry. He also writes a blog on The Last Words for tech lovers.

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